
Eye Center Biel

We work closely with the Eye Biel Center, which offers a wide range of outpatient examination options. Operations such as cataract or glaucoma as well as emergencies, such as retinal detachment, are treated in cooperation with us within the shortest possible time.

Eye Center Bern

The Eye Center Bern is located close to the main station. Patients receive a clear assessment of their overall situation through targeted examinations. On this basis, the best possible treatment strategy is determined, taking into account the patient’s individual needs, and the success of the treatment is evaluated. Surgeries such as cataract or glaucoma, as well as emergencies such as retinal detachment, are treated in collaboration with us in the shortest possible time.

Swiss Eye Institute

Institute for national and international studies, research, development, consulting and teaching of ophthalmology in cooperation with Berner Augenklinik.

NHC Connector AG

IT company specialised in software solutions, IT support as well as installation and maintenance of computer landscapes, mainly in the medical sector.

Lindenhof Hospital

If treatments cannot be carried out on an outpatient basis, our patients are treated as inpatients at the Lindenhofspital. Lindenhofspital eye doctors are called for consiliary examinations.


Fight4Sight Foundation

Support for humanitarian projects in Switzerland and abroad
Focused on creating a future and perspectives for children, prevention and treatment of eye diseases in developing countries and involved in humanitarian projects and crisis situations.